Tag: 21

(HIBURAN) Astro Ria turut umum secara rasmi barisan tenaga pengajar dan pengacara yang bakal menerajui Akademi Fantasia 2014

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Pengumuman rasmi mengenai dua belas orang pelajar terpilih serta barisan tenaga pengajar dan pengacara program yang bakal terlibat dengan program realiti Akademi Fantasia 2014 (AF 2014) telahpun diumumkan oleh pihak Astro. Read more →

(SEMASA) Prudential Malaysian Eye releases names of 21 artists to exhibit in Kuala Lumpur


Parallel Contemporary Art (PCA), organiser of the PRUDENTIAL MALAYSIAN EYE exhibition, is pleased to announce that 21 Malaysian contemporary artists have been selected to showcase their work at the exhibition, which will open on 29 March, and run until the end of April at the Whitebox, mapKL at Publika. Read more →