(SEMASA) Samsung’s Activ DualWash™ Protects Your Clothes and Your Back!

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samsung dqKuala Lumpur, 2 September 2016 – Love your back, but equally love your clothes? Samsung has just the right appliance for you and it comes in a form of a washing machine with a built-in sink! As Samsung’s most successful washing machine to date, the Activ DualWash™ has set a record, generating sales of 3,500 units per day, or two or more units every minute!

Here’s why the Activ DualWash™ is so popular.

The appliance includes a patented built-in sink with a gentle scrubbing surface and water jet, providing a one-stop solution for stain removal and prewashing. This sink acts as a separate space to conveniently pre-treat tough stains like those on heavily soiled sports uniforms, or to hand-wash delicate materials such as silk and chiffon; so the entire wash process can be completed in one place. After pre-treating and/or prewashing, the laundry and water can be easily transferred into the machine to reduce water wastage and prevent spills.

samsung dq 2Pre-treating stains before the wash can also sometimes be daunting especially when there is squatting involved and the need to transport wet clothes to or from the machine. Squatting and carrying heavy load ever so often can lead to lumbar back pain which will eventually affect quality of life. The Activ DualWash™’s built-in sink responds to this issue, making everyday life a little easier. While the built-in sink comes in handy, Samsung also encourages users to plan their laundry load with these tips:

  1. Arrange big and heavy detergent bottles so that they are easy to reach.
  2. Do not overload the laundry basket which makes it too heavy to carry.
  3. Try to avoid bending by placing the laundry basket on a table when sorting out the clothes.

If that is not enough reasons why the Activ DualWash™ is so popular, its fast washing process with its industry-first Super Speed technology will convince. With it, consumers can wash a normal load of laundry in as little as 36 minutes. That amounts to a savings of over three hours of laundry time every week!* Furthermore, the appliance’s AquaJet feature utilizes the power of high-impact water jets to gently wash your biggest laundry loads. Its powerful spray guarantees an ultra-deep but safe clean for all your clothing.

So whether it is an accidental lipstick smudge, a small coffee spill, or stubborn muddy grass stains, users can be sure of the power and convenience of Samsung’s Activ DualWash™.


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