(SUKAN) AWAM’s White Ribbon Run 2015

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Registration for our White Ribbon Run 2015 is OFFICIALLY OPEN. Join us on November 22nd to mark your commitment to creating a safe, violence-free society for women and girls. ‪#‎WhiteRibbonMY‬

The White Ribbon Campaign is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, promote gender equality, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity.

Through the White Ribbon Campaign, AWAM hopes to provide a platform where men can break their silence and proactively engage on the issue of violence against women. AWAM believes that men and boys must be part of the solution to end gender-based violence.

SIGN UP TODAY @ http://tinyurl.com/whiteribbonMY
JOIN OUR EVENT PAGE @ https://goo.gl/qpiHby


Date: 22nd November 2015 (Sunday)

Venue: Padang Merbok, K.L.

Distance : 7km & 3km

Entry Fees –
7KM (Adult): RM60.00
3KM (Adult): RM60.00

7KM (Child): RM30.00

3KM (Child): RM30.00

The White Ribbon Campaign
The White Ribbon Campaign is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, promote gender equality, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity.

Through the White Ribbon Campaign, AWAM hopes to provide a platform where men can break their silence and proactively engage on the issue of violence against women. AWAM believes that men and boys must be part of the solution to end gender-based violence.


Participants’ Entitlement
Jersey, Finisher medal, Light breakfast and Goodie Bag
Participant Kit Collection
You may collect your participant kits on these dates and times:19-20th November @ Tropicana City Mall (next to the cinema)
from 10.30am to 8.30pm
21st November @ Padang Merbok, KL
from 10.00am to 8.30pm

Join the White Ribbon Run today!
(Watch last year’s video)




Runner’s indemnity
Whilst every reasonable precaution will be taken by the Organiser to ensure the participants’ safety, participants run at their own risk and the Organiser will not be responsible or held liable for any injury or death however arising from training for or during participation in the race.
Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination and/or consult medical practitioner prior to registration and before the actual race day.

Medical personnel have the sole and final authority to

  • Remove a participant from the event if the participant is judged to be physically incapable of continuing the route without risk of serious injury.
  • To send casualty to the nearest and/or recommended hospital.

It is the responsibility of every participant to ensure that they are fit and healthy enough to complete the run.

Participants partake in this event at their own risk and the Organisers shall not be liable for any bodily injuries, loss and/or damage to property, whether personal or otherwise, and howsoever arising.

The Organiser will not be liable for the actions of participants or others, not employed by or acting on their behalf. It is recommended that you have personal accident insurance or health insurance.

Organiser reserves the right

  • To limit and refuse entry;
  • To modify or substitute any of these rules and regulations of the event from time to time as they deem fit. If there is ambiguity in any of the provisions, the Organiser shall be the authority to interpret and in so doing, the Organizer will take into account the interests of all the affected participants. Any update on the rules and regulations of the event will be notified on the official registration portal;
  • To cancel the event at any time without prior notice to the participant, in which case the Organiser will make effort to inform the participant prior to the date of the event. If the event has to be cancelled, for reason of force majeure i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that is beyond the control of the Organiser and which renders it impossible or unsafe to hold the event, there shall be no refund of fees paid unless the Organiser deems fit to give a refund and the Organiser shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused;
  • To amend the event route as they deem fit for the safety of the participants and/or to prevent any potential hazard in the running of the event, at any time without prior notice to the participant. In such cases, every effort will be made to inform the participant prior to the date of the event. The Organiser shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused due to such changes;
  • To cancel and/or add any race category without prior notice to the participants; and
  • To use any photographs, motion picture, recording, or any other record of this race and of participants for any legitimate purpose including advertising.

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